It is only when we are certain that we get into big trouble.

When we are certain about our decisions, we are the most at risk. Stupid wicked problems cannot be addressed with certainty. Certainty makes us bet the house, to charge ahead, to ignore warnings, or not even look.

No matter what, there are stupid unpredictable people in this world and the dangerous people in the world are smart and certain. That is why we cannot accurately predict the future. We cannot predict stupid!


We Don't Know We Know

In a world of speed-up and change, the future becomes more important than the past. A question such as "why?" takes our thinking backwards, as opposed to what's next?" which moves us forward. Wayne Gretsky is famous for saying the reason he plays hockey so well is that while most people are going to where the puck is, he goes to where the puck is going to be.

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We Know We Don't Know

“It is by logic that we prove. It is by intuition that we discover. Discovery consists of seeing what everyone has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. Planning can never be a wholly acceptable substitute for discovery and learning.”

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We Know We Know

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We Don’t Know We Don’t Know

Awareness begins with an open mind we do not know what we do not know. All change begins with an anomaly, a deviation from the standard. An anomaly is something different, abnormal, and peculiar. Change begins with an aberration, an abnormality, an exception, an oddity, a rare event. When we have two anomalies this creates in law what we call circumstantial evidence. At this point, we need to do a deep dive into the evidence to develop an insight into the evidence before us.

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We Don’t Know We Don’t Know

Awareness begins with an open mind we do not know what we do not know. All change begins with an anomaly, a deviation from the standard. An anomaly is something different, abnormal, and peculiar. Change begins with an aberration, an abnormality, an exception, an oddity, a rare event. When we have two anomalies this creates in law what we call circumstantial evidence. At this point, we need to do a deep dive into the evidence to develop an insight into the evidence before us.


We Don't Know We Know

In a world of speed-up and change, the future becomes more important than the past. A question such as "why?" takes our thinking backwards, as opposed to what's next?" which moves us forward. Wayne Gretsky is famous for saying the reason he plays hockey so well is that while most people are going to where the puck is, he goes to where the puck is going to be.

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We Know We Don't Know

“It is by logic that we prove. It is by intuition that we discover. Discovery consists of seeing what everyone has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. Planning can never be a wholly acceptable substitute for discovery and learning.”

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We Know We Know


Principles of Dynamic Decision Taking


  • You cannot predict stupid!
  • We cannot predict the future
  • And not sure of the past


  • All change begins with an anomaly,
  • Hindsight is not 20/20.
  • The past is not the present.


  • The Driving Forces of change follow the 80/20 rule.


  • Listen to your instincts.
  • Trust your gut.
  • Trust your intuition.


  • Must be taken from a set of mutually exclusive options.
  • It is only when we are certain we get into big trouble.


  • Loop back on your decisions.
  • All decisions must be reviewed.
  • All actions will have delayed unintended consequences.

Understanding the Consequences of Your Actions

When we are certain about our decisions, we are most vulnerable to risk. Everyone should always keep in mind that stupid, wicked problems cannot be addressed with certainty. This concept makes us bet the house and charge ahead consequences be damned. Certainty is your enemy as it makes you ignore warnings until it’s too late.

Remember Stupid Is Everywhere

Aside from stupid, unpredictable people, you will encounter dangerous people who are both smart and certain. This is why it’s impossible to anticipate future events accurately because you cannot predict stupid!

Have you ever driven down a divided highway and seen a horrible accident on the other side with a traffic jam behind it? And when you are on down the road seen cars racing one another to get ahead, jumping back and forth in traffic, running up someone’s bumper and rushing to get ahead. And you know that all that rush is in vain because ahead there is a jam. The fools in the other lanes are not getting anywhere soon because up the road is a massive jam and no matter how fast they go in that lane they are just rushing into disaster. My work is all about not getting caught in that jam but avoiding it with early warning so that you can take adaptive and innovative measures to avoid it.

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